Summary of the running season 2010

The running season was considering my previous years somehow extreme.
I've never run so regularly in my life. I had no other chance. ;-)

With the preparation for the marathon in Roth (Ironman relay) in April 2010 everything started. Marathon distance, for me something unimaginable at that time. With the bike I have participated in various marathons of up to 200km, but running was only a supplement sport for me. A must for winter time and the opportunity for the rest of the year.

The respect for the marathon was the best motivator for me. Since I did all the training sessions alone, I have to fight against my laziness also alone.

After the marathon in Roth, however, I found out that the running make me happy! And it is the perfect sport for me and my business trips. With running shoes in my bag I did my rounds in various cities of Europe.

And so the following statistics has been developing:

Count of the sessions128
Distance1880 km
Time189,5 Stunden

Whether I will continue with the running in 2011 like before, I can not say now. Through my business activities it seams, I do not have any other alternative. Nevertheless, I will try to make 2011 a bit more "variegated". My road bike I used very barely in the last year. I even believe that I have not crossed the 2000km mark ...

But in 2011 everything will be different! ;-)

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