Predict fires in the cities by using big data

The best-known examples of big data implementations is the analysis of customers' behaviour enabling to support the customer during a buying process very effectively.

So I was very happy to read about the usage of big data increasing the proactive measures in fight against the fire in the cities.

Based on certain factors like neighbourhood income, age of the building, electrical issues etc. authorities in New York City can identify the critical buildings with high probability of fire.

In the mean time the NY fire department has defined about 60 of these factors and based on them a ranking buildings database has been created in order of their risk of fire and which ones should be inspected first.
Before this big data analysis the NY firefighters inspected with high-priority buildings like schools and libraries more frequently. But all other inspections were random.

The new system makes it possible to reduce the number of fires and make fires less severe, according to the fire department.

Although one thing stays difficult...
How to evaluate the impact, the results and merits of the big data approach to prevent injuries or fire.

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